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This Noisy Planet

by Fey Ugokwe This world is full of noise and some people live to bring it to you—swooping in, trying to peck at your head with their upside down conceptions of you. And they can be so cool/casual on approach…or not…be they bestie or enemy, blood fam or just some mouthy stranger buzzing past you in the planetary streets. Some are self-esteem hunters so talented that they only need tap one pinhole into your mindset to make your whole sense of youness crack, splinter, break. My  🇬🇾 Grandmum used to say that they’re addicts, like any other—but that their fix is (paraphrasing here) the energies of pain, agony, and strife generated by others as they fall. She also said they can smell you and all your vulnerabilities from across a crowded room…yeah, that part. So keep your wits about you as you navigate all the spaces on this globe, my friends—energy shields up (i.e. protecting your peace), positive thoughts activated, and remembering *who and what* you are (energy lovingly transferred in